As a continued part of our mission for community outreach and service, Latham Church has established a durable medical equipment loan program.
These items are often not covered in full by insurances and will be offered free of charge and with no restrictions on time, to any one in the community in need. At this time because of storage and delivery, we will not offer hospital beds.
Our Latham Church family is pleased to offer you this piece of equipment at no charge for use as long as needed.
We kindly request you return it when it is no longer required so we can offer it to another person.
We recognize dealing with health issues can be difficult. We would love to pray for you and any special requests you may have.
You may send in prayer request you may have to church office ( We will respect your wish to remain anonymous if you desire.
Our Sunday services can be viewed on Facebook with a contemporary service at 9am and the traditional service at 11 am each Sunday. Of course you are most welcome to join us in person!
To inquire about using any of our equipment, please call the church office at 256-881-4069 and leave a message and someone from our Medical Supply Ministry team will get back with you within 24 hours.
At this time we have: walkers, canes, wheelchairs, bedside commodes, shower chairs, crutches and more!
Please Note: Latham Church makes NO warranties regarding this equipment.
These items are USED and supplied without charge AS IS!